Weary of Work
By now, we know the importance of allowing God to do His works of mercy through our hands. We are not, however, perfect servants of the Lord. We can get tired; our will slowly evaporating as we serve day after day. All the while, the world seems to continue in its ways, uncooperative with the Grace of God. At a point we might ask, is there value in my work? St. John Paul II tells us: “Work is a good thing for man—a good thing for his humanity—because through work man not only transforms nature, adapting it to his own needs, but he also achieves fulfillment as a human being and indeed, in a sense, becomes ‘more a human being.” When it seems that our efforts are not impactful, consider looking at how your efforts have impacted you. Instead of bettering others, our work can better us and prepare us for future challenges ahead.